quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

What's wrong with men?


I must apologize for taking so long to post something new...but I've been busy with university,singing and enjoying life.

Today I would like to talk about an issue that turns women's heads around and makes them turn crazy!

Have you ever cried for a man? Did you forgive any of his mistakes? Have you stayed awake until he got home just to make sure he was ok? Did you lie to protect him? Have you ever believed you we're meant to be forever? Or did you put him first and forget that you we're right? ...If you did any of this, you're to blame just like me.

Us Women like to believe that they truly love us beyond anything and sometimes they really do but at times they make it sound true but in the end you find out it was never like that.
I find myself many times wondering why I have certain behavior with some type of man and wish to understand their minds and the reason of some stupid things they make and later regret!

Do you believe they are childish and stupid but at the same time charming just for nothing?

No,No,No..They think they are always one step ahead from us, but truth is they're wrong and girls need to stick together and stand up just to prove that a man ain't always right and needs to learn how to take care of a woman and respect her.

Speaking for myself I'm in the best moment of my life, I have a great family, great boyfriend who I'm super in love with and I have my music career which I'm pursuing. But do you think I don't struggle with my man?
He is all I imagined but he is still a man and makes the same mistakes like the others and sometimes I have to pull his ears and tell him that he can't mess with this heart that way 'cause once you fall in love it takes too much to forget it and get back on your feet.

Just wanted to share this thought with whoever is out there reading my little notes..

Take Care,


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