terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Heya!! Happy new year guys!!


After a long time without writting i am back wishing you a happy new year and letting you know what i've been up too..

First, i will tell you a little bit about my life now..I am going to begin in two weeks my photography course which will help me alot in my fashion career that i want to pursue and in march i will start a Fashion Merchansing course too so i'm looking forward to it.

Second, I've been struggling to get my place in London Fashion University and my driving license so you can imagine that these days have been very busy and interesting !

In my free time i found some great artists in youtube which i would like to share with you, Tyler Ward is one of them a great guy who makes pretty good covers! Sam Tsui which i am truly in love with, such a great voice and humble spirit! Also Lisa Lavie a grown-up comparing to the other boys i mentioned before, such powerful voice! Similar to Leona Lewis who won the x-Factor.

I will be posting alot of things related to all sorts of things that a woman cries for!


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